Why Switch To Intraoral Scanners? Check Out The Benefits Now!


Intraoral scanners are a modern dentistry technology that helps the dentist to form a 3D impression of their patient’s mouth and teeth. It provides numerous other advantages as well. Intraoral scanners have brought revolutionary change in the field of dentistry. They have improved the way to diagnose and treat oral health issues. 

This modern technique is way better than traditional impression methods in every aspect. The patients are provided with a great level of comfort and care. The experience is more accurate and effective for both the dentists and the patients as well. If you are dealing with dental health issues, seek dental care in Plymouth today. 

Advantages of using an intraoral scanner

  • Improved patient experience. 

Advanced intraoral scanners have significantly improved patient experience in the dentistry field. Older technologies used for getting a dental impression were painful and discomforting for the patients. It involved uncomfortable trays and messy materials that caused many patients anxiety and nervousness. 

Modern intraocular technologies can eliminate this discomfort. It captures a 3D image of the patient’s oral cavity swiftly. Hypersensitive patients do not need to worry about their gag reflex. 

  • Improved accuracy. 

The accuracy of digital oral impressions has improved greatly with the use of new intraoral scanners. Old methods were less accurate and more prone to errors. This also leads to ill-fitting dental restorations such as Invisalign aligners, crowns, and dental bridges. Intraoral scanners provide more precise and accurate dental impressions than traditional methods. It is helpful in perfectly fitting dental restorations.

  • Facilities communication. 

Everyone wishes to see their results as soon as possible. Intraoral scanning allows patients to see the 3D picture of their mouth immediately. The dentist can engage with the patient easily and talk about cosmetic or functional treatments available. Dentists can share the scan with the lab immediately to get feedback timely.

  • Digital records. 

One of the most important benefits that intraoral scanners provide is digital records of their patient’s oral health. Impressions used traditionally were prone to damage and deterioration over time. It was difficult to maintain them for a longer period. Fortunately, with intraoral scanners, a precise image is generated and can be stored electronically. 

  • Sustainable. 

Apart from providing benefits to patients and dentists, this modern technology is also helpful in improving the overall sustainability of dental practices. Old impression techniques involved the use of harmful chemicals. With intraoral scanners, the process is more eco-friendly. 

When you choose a dentist, ensuring they have the latest equipment is important. 

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