Creative Corrugated Cardboard Boxes


We all love to shop. If at all something not so fun about shopping exists, then that would be going out to get some stuff. There is an easy solution for this and that is ‘Online Shopping’! So basically, we look for things we want on a website, select what we would like to buy and pay for it and your order is placed.

The goods and items you ordered arrive home, all neatly and beautifully packed! Have you ever imagined the role and importance of packaging in this whole process? Yes, now the use of corrugated cardboard boxes are many more than being just a sturdy packaging material to put things while transporting or to store extra things in the attic.

Carton boxes are a lot more than what we normally think they are. In today’s fast world of e-commerce, the logistics part would completely be dependent on these seemingly non significant things called the cardboard boxes and dedicated companies like the Belley are in this business for creative packaging solutions.

Ways to get creative with corrugated cardboard packaging

Businesses these days are very particular about packaging of their products because we all know that the packaging of a product makes the first impression. So, these are some ways in which you can creatively customize your corrugated cardboard boxes to enhance the value of your business and your products.

  • Making the cardboard box very colourful and attractive.
  • Printing your company name, logo and colour scheme of your company.
  • Making the corrugated carton part of your branding ideas.
  • You could print random one- or two-line quotes or interesting facts on your boxes.
  • You can create litho laminated designing on the cardboard boxes as they will look high end.
  • Increase the functionality of your cardboard cartons by making design changes like allowing a small window in the box to touch and feel your product.
  • Increase the quality of your boxes thus increasing the reusability of the boxes. This will make the customer or end used retain your cartons and your business or the brand name recognition and retention is increased.
  • Less is more. So, keeps the box designing minimalistic thereby making your brand name stand out. The brand awareness is increased.

With all the above ways, you can get creative with your corrugated carton boxes and the packaging solutions for your business. You have any more ideas? Comment below and share it with the entire world.

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